Khevron -
Don Goertz

Main Page

House Remodel Pages

Moose Adventures
Our Travel Blog

YouTube Channel

khevron/mooseadventures2025.html Our Moose Adventures
YouTube Channel

Mooseadventures 2025-26 South Pacific Maps
& Calendar (Progress) Page

Mooseadventures 2018-19 Map
& Calendar (Progress) Page

Mooseadventures 2012-13 Map
& Calendar Page

My Facebook

My Wattpad Page

Bio stuff


Baronkhevron on

Denali Photos



Wilsons of

Wilsons of

& Goertz

Huebsch Family

Our Wedding (2006)

Fairbanks, AK
Where I Live:
Fairbanks wiki KTVF wiki


Where I work

Where I used to work

Kotzebue Links

Me in the SCA

What is the SCA?

Pages &

Kareina's Page

of Oertha

West Branches

House de Montfort

SCA Stuff
For Sale


Funny Greeting

Tax Form
Schedule O


Doctor'd Photos

Virtual Shingle
and Web-Design

Barony of
Winter's Gate

City of

Police Dept.

Robert Rootes'
Home Page

West Kingdom
Branch History

West Kingdom
Roll of Arms

of Oertha


Thanks to:

Don Goertz
aka Khevron


Greetings one and all, and welcome to my homepage. I'll have pictures and links to various stuff of interest to me, and hopefully to you too. Most, if not all of the site links work, but I'm developing a few of the pages now.
Khevron - is pronounced KEV' rin

New Things!

NightCafe' A.I. Art - started this in Autumn of 2023:
Slightly contentious opinions - Is it Art? Maybe, maybe not.
It does take wholly different skills to produce what you want, but it can be amazing!
I'm not costing any artists any business playing around. I enjoy it and I feel good being creative in an accessible way!

Spock & Kirk - Haunted Cathedral

Tower of High Heraldry - Street

Skeletal Dragon - Sunken ship

Vista - Tree

Beach Portal - Moon Portal
My specialty seems to be portals - to other worlds or not.

See all of them at:
Baronkhevron on

Follow us on our Crazy Adventure around Europe, the Middle-East and Africa!

Mooseadventures Abroad! 2018-2019 Travels!

Accidental Wizardry Virtual Reality

Heraldrydiculous Tumblr Blog

Castles & Caves Tumblr Blog

If you can't message us on e-mail or Facebook messenger,
BlueSky contacts

Follow along with us on our Crazy Adventure Travels!!
We tend to take a LONG 8+month adventure vacation every 6-7 years!

Mooseadventures 2012-13 Map
& Calendar Page

Moose Adventures - Our Travel Blog

2018-2019 Europe!

and New:
Australasia and Southeast Asian - South Pacific!
Details to be posted. Starting September, 2025 through Spring of 2026!
Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia!

Australia and New Zealand!

Mooseadventures 2025-26 South Pacific Maps
& Calendar (Progress) Page

We'll post on our Facebook accounts, and the Blog!

404 Betty Street
House Remodel Pages

Follow us on our Crazy Adventure around the country!
(September, 2012 to May, 2013)
Moose Adventures - Our Travel Blog

Khevron's YouTube Channel
Lots of (Over 500) Videos - Fairbanks & Kotzebue Alaska, Travel, SCA and more! 500 Videos
As of November, 2013 over 274,000 views!

I have Two new Cafe' Press shops:
To Khevron's Cafe' Press Shop
For Heraldrydiculous, West Kingdom and Oertha Arms, High Quality SCA Officer's Badges and more.

OTZ TLA T-shirt for Kotzebue Got Muktuk T-shirt

To Third Avenue Kotzebue Cafe' Press Shop
Something for every Bush Alaska Village!
Of interest to Residents, Tourists, Pilots, Fishermen, Computer Geeks and more!


To Khevron & Merewyn (Don and Lareena)'s Wedding Page

For a little about myself, check
my BIO page

My legal name is Donovan Khevron Goertz (Formerly Donald E Goertz up until 2/23/01).
Send me comments or whatever to my e-mail address: e-mail:

I also maintain a Facebook account

If that fails, the alternative is

This way to my Family Page.

Click through books I've read:
My GoodreadsPage

My Wattpad Page

I'm into a number of different hobbies.



Denali Photos Page


Number 1 is the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) which is, briefly,
a medieval living history organization.

For reference on this page, I refer to myself as "Khevron". It's pronounced
"KEV-rin" "Kevin with an 'r'". (It doesn't rhyme with "Chevron"). As it's my "SCA" name, and I named myself, I answer to either name (Don or Khevron).
In the SCA I'm "Baron Khevron", "Mastyer Khevron Oktavii Tikhikovich Vorotnikov", or "Khevron de Montfort". More about that at
Khevron's SCA page

Garb and Embroidery on Kareina's Page!

I published my second BOOK!
The Branch Heraldry of the West Kingdom Colouring Boke
! May, 2003.

I distributed some at Beltane Coronation in 2003.

My first book was pub'd November, 1999
It's a self-published report on the Royal History of the Principality of Oertha (Alaska), in the form of Heraldry.
The Oerthan Royal History and Heraldic Colouring Boke page
! I made just over 120. I've re-printed special editions since the original for gifts.


Travel (Trim Castle, Republic of Ireland) Another hobby of mine is Traveling! Take a look at where I've been
and where I plan to go!
my Travel Page

my Tractor Page


Genealogy of my family is another hobby. I'm posting info here on my Wilson relatives of County Tyrone. To the Northern Ireland Family page. Other Surnames of interest are: Goertz, Huebsch and others.

Wilsons of America Genealogy Page.


Web-design is yet another dalliance of mine.
Besides this site and the Ynys Taltraeth, a Canton of the Barony of Winter's Gate site, I handle the Oertha Armorial, in 2004-5, I designed and continue to maintain the West Kingdom Roll of Arms and the Principality of Oertha Web-Sites.

I've developed a site for my work:
City of Kotzebue
Kotzebue Police
and helped a friend Robert Rootes, start his own.
I also produced all the devices/armory for West Kingdom Branch History page!
which led to the larger project by William Castille:
Territorial Arms of the SCA Knowne World
started in 2005.

And my Cartoon series "Heraldrydiculous" on my Heraldry page.

Heraldrydiculous by Khevron

Contributions to Other Sites: I contributed photographs for:, an on-line virtual travel site.

Videos around Kotzebue on YouTube.

or go to and look for Khevron or Deseradi.

Commercial Sites:

I have Two Cafe' Press shop with Heraldrydiculous and other stuff in them:
To Khevron's Cafe' Press Shop

To Third Avenue Kotzebue Cafe' Press Shop
Something for every Bush Alaska Village!
Of interest to Tourists, Pilots, Fisherman and more!


And just if you thought I had too much time on my hands as it is, check out my "Tag-line"
(One liners, Quotes, Bumper-stickers, T-Shirts, Sig-lines, Proverbs, Words of Wisdom) collection!
Good for a few hundred laughs:
Tagline Collection

Now totaling 17 web-pages! (really huge!) Thanks for the contributions!

Funny Greeting Card Collection

Visual Humor

haven't done your taxes? Check out
Federal Tax Form Schedule O
Organized Crime Income
Updated for Tax Year 2005

Then I combined graphics and produced a few Doctor'd Photos.
Check 'em out!

Fun Quizes and tests:

Take the In-Sanity Test
The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS)
(turns out I'm "distempered" - but hey!)


If you're into Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Game

I've posted some items of interest here for 2nd Edition AD&D. I have my own little rule interpretations and new monsters, etc.:
To "The Lair of the Beholder"


I've made many Brochures, Flyers, Business Cards and even Menu's using my years of computer graphic design skills.
Contact me if you need something made up!

I have fun 'Doctoring' pictures with Corel PhotoPaint.
Check out some of my works.

I even designed the book covers for:

to Robert Rootes's Web-page to Robert Rootes's Web-page
"Soul Takers" and "Stranger Beside Me"

In turn, Robert's drawing skills helped me
with my Oertha Armorial project.


Nathaniel Hawthorne Award

Politics / Philosophy

*Poly (many) + Ticks (Blood-sucking Parasites)*

Life will improve for everyone if we all follow these important rules of life:
Golden Rule - Do unto Others... "Be excellent to each other"
Limit Waste - Recycle/Re-use as possible.
Be a good steward - Take care of your stuff.
Leave things improved from when you found them (Borrowed items, Apartments, Kitchen sink)
Never enter a Wal-Mart (Sprawl-Mart) again.

All I Want Political
All I Want. The Penny is worthless.
OH! And Daylight Savings Time - GONE!

This Site best viewed with a Web-Browser.
I choose
Mozilla Firefox
Since IEEE does nothing but crash on me for no good reason.

- Khevron's Foyer Page -