SCA Calendar (what year is which?)
These archives are whole scans, with personal information removed.
If you find any phone numbers or addresses I've missed, let me know.
They are ordered latest at the top, oldest at the bottom.
Some may take some time to load.
Erlyn Cordelya 1984-
William Kearney 1996
Gwendolyn of Rook's Haven 1997-2000
Margarita de la Calvi 2001
Magnus Sigmarsson 2002
Zigana Caldwell 2004
This collection is no-where near complete. If you have Scrolls you don't see here, I'd like to borrow them briefly.
Look them over for past event reports, event copy, officer lists, all sorts of information!
In May, 2004, the Shire became a Barony and the newsletter changed to The Dragontale of the Barony of Selviergard.
Scroll & Claid-Moohrs:
Other Oerthan Newsletters:
Started May, A.S. XLVI (2011) (7 scanned, 0 pdf)