Archive of The Sea Scroll Newsletter of Shire of Grey Cliffs

The Sea Scroll Newsletter of Shire of Grey Cliffs

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

SCA Calendar (what year is which?)

These archives are whole scans, with personal information removed.
If you find any phone numbers or addresses I've missed, let me know.

They are ordered latest at the top, oldest at the bottom.
Some may take some time to load.

Chroniclers of Grey Cliffs

Xandy 1998

This collection is no-where near complete. If you have Sea Scrolls you don't see here, I'd like to borrow them briefly. Write me at khevrvon(at)
Look them over for past event reports, event copy, officer lists, all sorts of information!

Scanned Archives (.jpg format)



March, A.S. XXXII
September, A.S. XXXIII



Other Oerthan Newsletter Archives:

The Guardian of Oertha
The Gatekeeper of Winter's Gate
The Sounding of the Barony of Earngyld
Chronicle of the Barony of Eskalya
An Claid Moohr of the Canton Inbhir na Da' Abhann
The Scroll of the Shire of Silviergard
Paw Prints of the Riding of Beast Valley !
The Dragon Tale of the Barony of Silviergard
The Crier of the Shire of Hrafnafjorðr

The Oertha Newsletter Archives

To the Principality of Oertha Main Page

Started May, A.S. XLVI (2011) (0 scanned, 0 pdf)