Archive of the Newsletters of Oertha

Archive of the Newsletters of Oertha

In Old Newsletters - you'll find what should be in Newsletters:
Event Review/Reports, Poetry, Articles, Court Reports/Awards Given, Event ideas!
Event Locations, Recipes!, announcements!, Group Historical information, Who had what job.

Many people toss their newsletters after reading, some keep them.
If you've kept any old paper newsletters, PLEASE let me borrow them to scan and return to you!
If you're a chronicler and have the original computer files or paste-ups, please send them to me!
Let us preserve the History of Oertha and Oerthan Groups!

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George Santayana

SCA Calendar (what year is which?)

These archives are whole scans, or text versions with personal information removed.
You can usually find the 'Official" version of current Branch Newsletters in the files section of the groups e-mail list.
If you find any phone numbers or addresses I've missed, let me know.
e-mail: khevron(at)

These are ordered to beginning of publication
Most of these sites are just getting started. "!" by each means there are newsletters to be seen.

Recent Additions:

Latest at the bottom
October, 2021:
2002 November Chronicle
2002 July Scroll/Claymore
2003 April Chronicle
2003 June Chronicle
2004 February, March & April Chronicles
1989 August and December Gatekeepers 1998 December Chronicle
2005 July Gatekeeper
1994 March An Claid Moohr
1987 December Sounding
1994 February Sounding
1992 October Gatekeeper
1997 June Scroll
1999 January Claymore
1994 May & October Claymore
1992 Sept/October Sounding
1991 August Guardian**
2002 July Guardian
1994 July Sounding
1994 May Chronicle
1992 October Chronicle
1991 December Sounding
1990 April, May, July & October Soundings
1989 October & December Sounding

November, 2021
1990 June Sounding
1991 February, March & July Soundings
1992 January, February, April, May & June Sounding
1991 August, September October and November Soundings
1984 November & December, & 1997 September Mud Puppy
1993 February Chronicle
1992 November Chronicle
1993 September Chronicle
1994 July Chronicle
1995 June Chronicle
1994 October Chronicle(Huge!)
1995 September Chronicle
1996 August & December Chronicle

December, 2021
1997 January, March, April & May Chronicle
1997 July & September Chronicle
1998 April, May & June Chronicle
1998 August, September & October Chronicle
1999 January, March, April, August & September Chronicle
1999 October & December Chronicle
2000 January, February & March Chronicle
2012-2016 Gatekeepers (17)
2021 August and Yule Gatekeeper
2000 April & May Chronicle
2000 June, July, September & October Chronicle
2001 July & December Chronicle
2002 March, August and September Chronicle
1981 September Gatekeeper

TOTALS as of end of 2021:

110 Gatekeepers, 70 Chronicles, 68 Guardians, 30 Soundings, 15 Scrolls, 9 Ah Claid Moohrs, 1 Pawprint, 1 Seascroll, 1 Dragon Tale, 0 Criers.

AACK! FOUND another source of Newsletters past!
February, 2022
1977 August, October, November and December Eskalya Herald
1978 February, March, April, July, August and September Eskalya Herald (Last Herald to scan)
1979 September Eskalya Chronicle
1978 Summer Chronicle (30 pages!)

September-October, 2022!:
A small hoard of Pages and Oerthan newsletters surfaced from Viscount Taran! -lots of Claymores we didn't have!
2000 March Gatekeeper
2001 May Gatekeeper
2010 July Gatekeeper
2000 February An Claid Moohr
1978 Fall Chronicle (26 pages!)
2003 December Chronicle
1999 November Chronicle
2001 January & February Chronicle
2000 December Chronicle
1980 January Chronicle
1979 August, September and November Chronicle
1981 October Special Chronicle
1981 August Eskalya Chronicle (22 pages!)
1977 Fall Chronicle (22 pages!) 1978 Spring (26 pages)
1977 March,April & May/June Chronicle
1978 November & December Chronicle
1979 January, March (23 pages! Charter of the Freehold of Selviergard!), April and May Chronicle
1981 October Chronicle
1980 March, April and May Chronicle
1981 January, March, May, June, July, September, November and December Chronicle
(Chronicle Hoard done)
2010 Guardian
2000 January, March, April, May, August, September, October & November An Claid Moohrs
2001 February, March & June/July
War of the North XXXIII (June, 1998) Pamphlet

Added December, 2022:
1999 September Gatekeeper
2000 October Gatekeeper
Added July, 2023:
Recent Guardians from 2011 to 2023

Added December, 2024 (found a small hoard from Sorcha):
July, 2003 Guardian
2001 March & April/May An Claid Moohr
2002 March-April An Claid Moohr
2001 March, April and June Scroll
2000 August Eskalya Chronicle
2001 March, April, July, October & November Eskalya Chronicle
2002 February & June Eskalya Chronicle
2003 March, May, and September Eskalya Chronicle
2007 and 2012 Summer Guardian of Oertha
1995 March-April Guardian
1995 October Eskalya Chronicle

Scanned in January, 2025:
1996 March & April Eskalya Chronicle
1983 January, March, April, May, June & July Chronicle (! BIG ISSUES !)
1981 October Chronicle 1982 January, February and March (33 pages!) Chronicle
1982 April, October (Proposed Laws for the Principality of Oertha!), and December Chronicles
1984 March, June and September Chronicles
1987 February Gatekeeper
2000 Spring, Summer and Fall Filum Aurem (Needleworkers Guild)
2015 Summer Guardian
1981 August, September, October, November Gatekeepers
1982 February, April, May, July, August, September Gatekeepers


The Gatekeeper of the Barony of Winter's Gate

The Chronicle of the Barony of Eskalya

The Herald of the Shire of Eskalya
(Early Years partly concurrent with the Chronicle)

Paw Prints of the Riding of Beast Valley

The Sounding of the Barony and Shire of Earngyld

An Claid Moohr of the Canton Inbhir na Da' Abhann

The Scroll of the Shire of Silviergard

The Sea Scroll of the Shire of Grey Cliffs

The Crier of the Shire of Hrafnafjorðr

The Dragon Tale of the Barony of Silviergard

Other Publications and non Oerthan Newsletters:

Vive La Plume Calligraphy Newsletter of the North

The Mud Puppy Newsletter of the Barony of Settmour Swamp (East Kingdom)

Filum Aureum Newsletter West Kingdom Needleworkers Guild

No known newsletters for the branches: St. Boniface, Ynys Taltraeth, or St. Guinefort

Link to West Kingdom Newsletters on the History Page!

If you're an author or past chronicler, and an article you've written appears in these archives and you don't wish it to be there, contact me and I'll remove it.



Standards: Each newsletter is scanned in using 'read' order, so in most cases no staples are removed. They are scanned in at 150-200dpi in gray or color as appropriate, cleaned up and repaired if necessary and saved. The personal information like address and phone numbers are removed, and the file reduced to 96dpi and this 'expurgated' version is uploaded. Electronic .pdf version are 'as sent' with no expurgating. I hope to eventually display covers and provide an index, but that will take a lot of time.
Each newsletter (depending on size, repairs necessary, etc) takes 1/2 to 1 hour to process.
for History & Heraldry of Oertha and much more!

To the Principality of Oertha Main Page

To the West Kingdom History Page
Please visit and submit your recollections about events, reports and photos!

To the West Kingdom History Newsletters Page

online dating

Project started February, A.S. XLV (2011)