Stevens Village Community Improvement Corporation
of Stevens Village, Alaska
About Us
The Stevens Village Community Improvement Corporation (SVCIC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organized in 2008 by the Stevens Village IRA Council in order to facilitate the return of the old BIA school site from the State of Alaska to Stevens Village. Once the property transfer process was started, the SVCIC has been mostly dormant. Last year, the decision was made to re-activate the non-profit as a partner in leveraging resources to benefit Stevens Village Tribal Members living both within and outside of the community. In December, SVCIC received a small grant through the Strengthening Communities Partnership (which consists of RuralCAP, The Foraker Group, and the Alaska Communities Foundation) to appoint a new board of directors, participate in board member training, and prepare a strategic plan.
A call for board member applications was initiated in June 2011. There was a good response, and all nine positions were filled by mid-August. Thanks once again to all of those who volunteered to serve on the SVCIC Board whose applications came in after the positions are filled. We invite and encourage you to run for a Board appointment at the first open election, which will be held in early 2013.
The first meeting of the new board was a Strategic Planning Retreat conducted on September 16-18, 2011, at the Chena Hot Springs resort. This facilitated, two and a half day session had a very full agenda, including: an orientation for the new board to SVCIC and to the rules governing nonprofit organizations, a review of draft bylaws, the development of a draft strategic plan, and the election of officers.
The 2011-2012 SVCIC Board of Directors:
Maureen Mayo, President
Pete Hjelm, Vice-President
Natasha Singh, Secretary-Treasurer
Deb George
Jamey Joseph
Randy Mayo
Harold Simon
Ben Stevens
Don Stevens
Executive Director: Jenna Stevens
Steven Becker

© 2011-2012 Stevens Village Community Improvement Corporation All Rights Reserved