House de Montfort

An quiet little SCA Service Household

Badge: Azure semy of cinquefoils Or.
Registered October, 2005 by Khevron for the Household

Pillar of the West (awarded August 25, AS XXV (1990) James & Verena (West))
4th Household to receive this honor.

The Montfort Matrix

The Montfort Matrix is sorely missing much information.
Write me and I'll add names, info or columns for new categories as I go. I hope to build a Banyan Tree genealogy graphic eventually, given enough input.
I'd put the people in order of joining, but I doubt we'd get that right, but if you know, I'll move people around. Latest at the bottom!
Stories are also sought!! Where did these names/traditions come from? I'll add pages as this grows! I'm only 'Familiar' with the history, I can't accurately recite it!

SCA Name
Dwarf Name
Simon Name
Coke or Pepsi
Mayo or Miracle Whip 
Lima Beans-Food or Missile Weapon?
Asti or Champagn?
Terror'st Name 
Other Names 
Where y'at? 
Edmund de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Head ? ? An Tir
Gregory de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Senan ?
Alicianne de Montfort
Easy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sushimi ? ? ? Valija Oertha
Targan de Monfort Cheap ? P W M A Grn Disarmingly Minbari Food Ceremony ? Neck Gareth ? Atenveldt
Lazerina de Montfort Van Halen Shorty ? C M F C Grn Assuredly Beef Steak ? Scapula Gareth Taran Atenveldt
Valija Annsdottir (MSRIP) Sleazy ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Wasabi ? ? Alicianne Brigit Oertha
Morgana yr Oerfa Quick ? C M M Asti ? devilishly ? ? Morgwai, Dowager ? Gwilym, Phelan, Piasa Oertha
Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassone Berry ? P M M Asti ? ? Me ? Head ? ? An Tir
Gareth de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Edmund ?
Piasa Dragonsaver (MSRIP) ? ? P M ? ? Grn ? Cadbury Cream Egg ? ? ? Shastaine Oertha
Karl von Montfort Lucky ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Spaghetti ? ? ? ? Oertha
Annora de Montfort Drippy Subtle ? ? ? ? ? ? Bowl of Rice Krispies ? ? ? ? Oertha
Katrina de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? An Tir
SCA Name
Dwarf Name
Simon Name
Coke or Pepsi
Mayo or Miracle Whip 
Lima Beans-Food or Missile Weapon?
Asti or Champagn?
Terror'st Name 
Other Names 
Where y'at? 
Judith de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oertha
Brigit de Montfort ? Tactful ? ? ? ? ? ? Thai Garlic Chicken ? ? Valija Senan East
Gwilym Moore de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Morgana ? An Tir
Phelan de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Morgana ? ?
Seanan O'Wray of Limerick ? ? C W F A ? ? ? ? Token Southerner Gregory & Brigit ? Artemisia
Marya Wicked ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Donnan the Truehearted ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Middle
Callista Balgaire ? ? C M F C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Middle
Peredur ap Tristan ? ? ? ? ? ? ? diabolically ? ? ? ? ? ?
Shastaine de Montfort ? ? ? M&W ? ? Blu ? ? ? ? Piasa ? Meridies
Aelfwynn de Montfort of Tweoneam ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Thanksgiving Feast ? ? ? ? An Tir
Dmitrii Alexievich Kolchen ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chocolate Chip Cookie ? ? ? ? Lochac
SCA Name
Dwarf Name
Simon Name
Coke or Pepsi
Mayo or Miracle Whip 
Lima Beans-Food or Missile Weapon?
Asti or Champagn?
Terror'st Name 
Other Names 
Where y'at? 
Amalric de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Dense Chocolate ? ? ? ? An Tir
Oriana de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Puffer Fish ? ? ? ? ?
Taran de Montfort ? ? P W F No Pref ? ? ? ? Lobot, Warmer ? ? Oertha
Rex de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Gabriel de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Logray de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Seanan de Montfort the Beleaguered ? ? C W M A Grey Winsomely ? ? ? Rex/Annora ? An Tir
Alberic Haak ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Corwyn de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oertha
Tucken Ashford de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oertha
Sham Leila de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Edmund ? ?
Margiad de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oat Farls ? ? ? ? ?
Bjarni Eðvarðarson í Jórvík ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oertha
Elizabeth de Montfort ? ? C W M C ? ? ? ? ? Karl&Valija Khevron Midrealm
Khevron Oktavii Hairy Obtrusive C M M A Bro ? The Last Supper ? Fungi, Fetus Elizabeth None Oertha
Alail Horsefriend ? ? C M M A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? An Tir
Clare-Elena de Montfort ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oertha
Stephen de la Bere ? ? Pepsi M M C ? ? ? ? ? Foundling ? Oertha
Aurellia de Montfort ? ? P M M ? ? ? Pizza ? Fara Habenagudtime ? None West
Egen Brauer de Montfort ? ? C ? F ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? An Tir
Mathea Volpella da Perusia
or Meadhbha inghean Bhrain Mhuilleoir
? ? P M F ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? An Tir
Elspeth Cameron ? ? N N B C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Sarra Greyhand ? ? N N A C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Christopher the Quiet ? ? N M ? N ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Merewyn of Ynys Taltraeth ? ? P M M A Bro ? ? ? ? ? ? Oertha
Elsa Näherin van Aurec Loopy ? C M A C ? ? ? ? ? ? ? West
Myvanwy verch Robert ? ? P M F&M C Blue ? ? ? ? ? ? Summits
Valentina de la Bere ? ? P M A C Hazel ? ? ? ? ? ? Selviergard
SCA Name
Dwarf Name
Simon Name
Coke or Pepsi
Mayo or Miracle Whip 
Lima Beans-Food or Missile Weapon?
Asti or Champagn?
Terror'st Name 
Other Names 
Where y'at? 

The Montforts have produced a lot of heralds. Here are some personal arms:

Newest 4 Montforts with Khevron and Berengaria at Estrella XXIX (3/2013):
Merewyn of Ynys Taltraeth, Elspeth Cameron, Sarre Greyhand and Christopher the Quiet.

Newest Montfort (April, 2011) - with Alail, Berengaria, Mathea Volpella da Perusia, Egen Brauer von Starkberg and Bjarni.

A Montfort Newsletter from July, 1993

"Works now"


Origins of House de Montfort: Started off as a Fighting Household...
Lazarina: "Targan and I were twins born 9 months apart with Gareth as our father." "I also was known as a Trollop because I was married into the Trolls."


"When in doubt, Escalate."
"Where the women are strong... and the men are decorative."

House Traditions

Most traditions occur naturally, when a Quorum or Quartet of Montforts (3) are in the same place and slightly bored.
Some names/things are inflicted on the other members by a group of Montforts, for good or ill. Some take, some die in the early frost (glare), some are culled necessarily. Not everyone get names or attributes.

Preferences (Coke v. Pepsi, Mayo v. Miracle Whip, Lima Beans- food or Projectile weapon?, Asti v. Champagne) attempts to figure out whom you're closely related to in the family.
Eye color figured into lineage as well

Singeing (singe-ing): The ceremony where a scroll identifying the new member as a new member is slightly burnt. Much better than the family taking to voice. Also should happen after parentage is established.
The Story: Because Edmund was so thrilled with himself that he'd made housecarl scrolls for Gregory, Targan & Laz - until I pointed out that he'd actually spelled 'signed' as "singed" on one of them. He displayed The Dimples of Rage for a moment, then swiftly went and got a lighter out of one of our drawers and singed the edges of all the scrolls. Thus was a mighty tradition born. -Bera

Pet: Cutter

Montfort Yule: Started (when?) near Christmas, but it was hard to get together with all the other holiday stuff, so moved to July. Usually held at Piasa's house in Willow.


Token Non-Montfort: Keep a non-Montfort in the group to midigate the insanity. Such as at a restaurant - my somehow prevent an all-out food fight and keep us from getting expelled from the establishment.

Dwarf Names: Alicianne, Targan, Valija and Morgana were chatting around a table when (somehow) they had to choose between "Quick and Easy, Cheap and Sleazy". Morgana chimed in first for Quick, proving the fact, and the others had to choose between Easy, Cheap and Sleazy. Other 'dwarf' names trickled in. Annora standing under the edge of a pavilion getting dripped on...

Simon name: An attribute adjective reversed by the phrase 'I'm Un-" Simon-Kind = I'm unkind...

Cute's: What kind of Cute are you? Usually in the form "______ly cute"

Terror'st Names:

Body Part: Edmund was the "Head" of the household. When he departed, the leader was Targan, but he didn't want to be the Head, so he became the Neck. I know Gregory was the private parts. Any others???
From Targan: Edmund was the head, and after he departed Morgana, and others I believe, decided that no one could replace him as the head. The Montfort Games were held to determine the who the neck would be, "earning the right to do nothing for the next year" if memory serves. I won the games at one point, with several people adding their ribbons to mine (you won a ribbon for each contest), to a certain degree voting me in. I ended up doing a little more than nothing for the next year, and whether it was laziness on the part of the household, or contentment, I remained the neck for enough years that it stuck. At a Montfort Yule, I lobbied to be named head of the household, which I'd actually wanted to be. I then passed it to Alicianne, who I felt deserved it and who would be more active than myself as I was drifting away from the SCA.

Dish (7/1996): (further info:) Karl is spaghetti cause is mostly always good, Sometime Great! and 'Everyone likes it'! Targan: Minbari Food Ceremony: Meditate about each bite. Amulric: Dense Chocolate:? Elfwyn: Thanksgiving Feast- More than you can ever eat, and there’s always more tomorrow. Dmitrii: Chocolate Chip cookie: Good with Milk. Lazarina: Coffee- It’ll wake you up, keep you up, and Jeff can’t get through the day without it. Valija Musabi(sp): It’s sweet for a time, then you blow flames. Taran: Haggis- Some people still don’t realize it’s food, and throw it out. Alicianne: Sushimi- Ignore it and it’ll go bad in a heartbeat. Oriana: Puffer fish- Prepare it just right or it’ll kill you. Piasa: Cadbury Cream Egg- Only see them once a year, sweet on the outside, secret center. Margiad: Oat Farls- Substantial, wholesome, tasty. For special occasions. Butter it up!

The Montfort “Object that best represents your ego” list -created (started) Montfort Yule 7/96
Amalric: The Death Star: Nearly impenetrable, but find it’s one weakness, it completely explodes
Targan: Hot Air Balloon:
Dmitrii: Duck - Go figure:
Khevron: Submarine: Don’t see it often. Can peek up now and again anywhere, Depth charges shake it.
Andrea (token non-): The Hindenburg: Floats serenely, but one misplaced spark and...

Montfort "Seme Thong": a song or tune that best represents you. Perhaps a ring tone for others to know it's you who's calling.
Morgana: "The Imperial March" from The Empire Strikes Back.

Dinosaur: Started March, 2013 at Estrella by Bera
Rex - T-Rex
Morgana - Velosaraptor
Bera - Dilopsaurus
Khevron - Pterodactyl
Karl - Tricerotops
Alail - Stegasaurus - Well armored, sudden spiked tail strike
Seanan - Brontosaurus - Mellow, lumbers along

Cullen Vampire or Wolf-Pack?: Started March, 2013 at Estrella by Bera

The Family Contributed to the West Kingdom Collars of State:

The Oertha piece on the Queen's Collar.

Montfort YahooGroups Page

Badge at Khevron's Heraldry and Heraldrydiculous Cafepress Shop

Khevron de Montfort's Web-Page

real cinquefoils

Created 12-2-09; Updated 3-6-10, 5-07-11, 12-06-11, 11-24-12, 3-04-13, 9-08-13, 6-05-17, 12-04-17, 04-02-20, 9-07-22