Arms of Ynys Taltraeth: Argent, a sea-dog rampant purpure breathing flames gules, a laurel wreath in canton purpure
The Canton is part of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). For an explanation of what the SCA is, click Here
We are claiming the coastal territories of Winter's Gate, which, in Mundane terms, is all of Coastal Northern Alaska, from just below Nome, all the way to the Yukon, and the Islands of Diomede.
...and while we're at it, we're claiming all of the Russia's east of the Ural mountains and Caspian sea! Being based in Kotzebue, AK at 66* 54' North latitude (33 miles NORTH of the Arctic Circle) will make us the Northernmost branch of the SCA, the next being the incipient shire of Frostheim in Nordmark (Kingdom of Drachenvald) which is based in Lulea and Boden in Northern Sweden, at 65*50' North.
Canton Motto: "We're above all that."
Check our Canton Picture Page
Visit our Canton History Page
Visit our Canton Petition Page
See our Charter
Visit our 2003 Spring Carnival Page
For More Information, contact:
Seneschal/Herald: Mastyer Khevron Oktavii (Don Goertz) e-mail:
or any of the Canton Officers
This is the recognized website for the Canton Ynys Taltraeth (Barony of Winter's Gate) of the Society for Creative Anachronism
SCA Main Page, Inc. and is maintained by Khevron - email: .
This site may contain electronic versions of the group's governing documents. Any discrepancies between
the electronic version of any information on this site and the printed version that is available from the
originating office will be decided in favor of the printed version.
Copyright © 2013 Canton Ynys Taltraeth (Barony of Winter's Gate).